A belated promotion for a new release (I really have been slack)!
Hart & Sol, a totally inappropriate sci-fi comedy co-written with the late great Russell Emmerson was launched at the end of 2022.
I am so proud of the work Russell and I have created here and I’m very grateful to all the positive reactions the story has received since it’s launch. And, in case you’re asking – yes – it is totally my intent to get back in a write books two and three in the series. I just need a little more time. If you need your inappropriate sci-fi comedy in the meantime, why not try Zambies! or the Starship Dorsano Chronicles.
There’s also some potential exciting news about the story going forward, but I can’t reveal anything yet!
For those that don’t know, Russell (who had mentored me in my early writing days) and I helped each other on writing projects over the years and, in 2019, finally made the decision to co-write a book. Many pub planning sessions later and Hart & Sol began to take shape.
I’d never co-written before and I absolutely loved the experience. We alternated the writing from chapter to chapter and, between that and the back and forth of story development, we found a style that was a good match for both our writing voices and techniques. From a storytelling process point of view, Russell was a planner and I was a panster, which made for some interesting moments during development as each of us extended out of our comfort zone! It was a totally new a rewarding was to experience the story process.
In 2020, Russell became sick, then very sick. When it became clear the outcome was not going to be a good one, we raced to get the draft completed. Unfortunately it wasn’t to be that way. RIP, good friend.
After taking some time away from writing, I returned to the project, with his story wishes in mind and completed the draft. I trust and hope the result is a finale that reflects his wishes and reflects the quality of character Russell possessed as a human being.
I never did really launch the book properly. I guess in part feeling weird about doing that side without him. It just didn’t seem right. As such as feel I may have done a disservice to a work of fiction that really is full of great characters, a quality story and, of course, completely wrong jokes.
Regardless, I really enjoy selling it at events (with the pitch “it’s a totally inappropriate sci-fi comedy co-written with the late great Russell Emmerson”). You’d be surprised how effective the words totally inappropriate sci-fi comedy can be! And I respect anyone who has purchased a copy based on that pitch.
Anyway, I am proud of what this book represents for many reasons and thanks once again to a good friend for helping me bring it to life!