I’ve been so head down in writing at the moment that I’ve only just noticed it’s been some time since I posted on the site. So, I’m posting on the site.
It may look like I’ve been doing nothing, but the truth is the opposite, it’s just that I don’t have any finished product to show for it… yet.
KotW2 and roadblocks
First and foremost, the sequel to Kings of the World coming along nicely. There was definitely some slowdown when I got about 5k words in, and another one at 15k. Both of these were down to world building issues. I’ve actually found this same thing at a similar stage in all my stories. You establish the characters and premise, and all is fine, then you reach the point where all the elements you build have to feel right in the expanded world you’ve created. That’s what pumps the brakes for me. I can’t write about X without knowing how it interacts with Y and Z. They all need to feel real for me to write freely.
So that means way too much thinking about elements that often won’t make it to the book and support documents about this, that and the other. This has been more relevant on KotW2 than any book before – creating the new world, embedding the elements of the first book and tracking the transition. Sometimes it felt like I was avoiding the actual writing but now that I’m out the other end of the tunnel I’m so glad I’ve done it. I can write freer and truer now. Not only that but a lot of the world-building here will push through to book three!
KotW Audiobook
This is so exciting I don’t even know where to start. I’ll be posting more about audio and this book in the near future as delivery platform and other issues get resolved but just know that this project is officially green lit and in production and, well, I could not be happier with where it’s at right now. Sorry about the vagueness – details to come soon 😀
Scared to Beath
Bubbling away in the background is this soon to be released series aimed at what seems to be called middle grade readers. There’s zombies, monsters, action… what more could you want. Book one is in the final editing phase after a great reaction in Beta read. Book two is not far behind it. In fact, the first ‘season’ of six books is in development at one level or another.
Apocalypse 2.0
For those you who have finished Apocalypse: Diary of a Survivor and are hanging out for the sequel – don’t let all of the above make you think it’s not happening. I can assure you I will be writing the first draft of A:DoS2 before this year is out.
Crowd Funding
Another project that I hope to bring to life shortly is a crowd funding project to get a small print run of KotW and Apocalypse. I’d love to take my work to writing and sci-fi festivals and sell directly – and this will help make that project happen.Again, there’s a bit of water to pass under the bridge yet but things are happening in the background.
Something will be coming your way in 2015 – that is all this annoying teaser will give you.