I’m just starting to recover from an amazing five days in Auckland at my second Armageddon expo. What an event! Four days of big crowds all wrapped up in a very chill and fun vibe. Exhibiting on this scale – especially with the overseas logistics factor – definitely takes it out of you, but it was oh, so worth it.
Artist Alley was in Hall 1, just a small part of an event that seemed to stretch over the entire ASB Showgrounds. I had a nice spot near one of the entry points, which was great to get my posters seen.
As it was my first Auckgeddon since 2017, there was plenty of new work for readers to sink their teeth into. The Apocalypse series had books 3 and 4 (the finale), Starship Dorsano Chronicles had the sequel War & Quel and it was the launch of the next instalment of the Zombie RiZing series Dragon’s Wrath.
It was such a good feeling to have so many readers returning to my table to say hi, tell me what they thought of my books or to buy more. I probably can’t convey the full extent of how good a feeling that is, just know it makes an author feel pretty damn lucky and grateful. Thank you so much.
It was also great to meet a whole bunch of new readers. Thank you so much for taking a chance on my work, it certainly makes all the hours and effort worth it. I really hope you find something you connect with through those pages!
Even if you stopped by for a chat to have my give you the elevator pitch, it’s appreciated.
By the end of the weekend, my stocks were low and I was definitely buzzing from an amazing four days. I even had readers who’d already started (or in one case finished) their book over the weekend come back to give me their thoughts… so good!
I was living off fumes in the sleep department thanks to some late nights in our shared AirBNB and hit the wall Monday night. I still don’t think I’ve entirely caught up to be honest, but hey, how often do you get to travel to another country and sell your books? So, so worth it.
I also had some amazing comments in my author’s guest book. Huge thanks for those returning readers who took the time to pen their thoughts.
Basically, I’m still on cloud 9 from the weekend. Thanks so much for being a part of it. Before I went, I was thinking, maybe I’ll make Auckland a once every two years exercise (it does take some stress and planning to get organised), now I’m thinking, I’ve just got to be there next year!!
Thanks Auckland 🙂
Ordering sold out titles
For those that came back for Apocalypse 3 and 4 only to see the sold out sign, I’ll be adding them as a dual pack on my ETSY store next week. Same goes for the new Zombie RiZing title. I just have to make sure I have some stock to do so after Adelaide Supanova this weekend.