Attention indie authors – especially those with a book cover that is suffering from a severe case of, well, fugliness. I’m on a mission to turn your steaming pile of pixels into a glorious, rich advertisement for your manuscript masterpiece.
Oh, and I’m going to do it for nix, nada, nuffink (that’s for the editors out there)!
Time and time again I hear successful indie authors spruiking the virtues of a top-quality cover. A cover is one of the most powerful tools in your marketing arsenal – it can sell a message, convey an emotion, garner confidence in the quality of the words within – it can sell books! Yet I spend a lot of time browsing the indie books out there and I see some real train wrecks – fontfestering kaleidoscopes of crap, messy miasmas of mocked-up mire, giant visual carbunkles all of them road-blocking purchases.
You don’t need me to tell you a good cover may not always sell a book but a bad cover will almost always prevent a sale.
So passionate am I about eliminating these lurid eyesores from existence, that I’m volunteering my services to personally turn twelve graphical turds into things of beauty and wonder. I want to work with authors to create a cover that conveys the messages they want and does their work proud.
It will be an extreme makeover – eBook style.
Not only that, I’m going to document the process and write a book about it, educating others on the finer points of book cover design. Each of the 12 makeovers will detail different elements of the design process and the results, I’m hoping, will be a piece of work that helps indie authors make more informed decisions about one of the most crucial, but often overlooked, marketing tools of their work.
Sounds good Matt? But how do I know you’re the guy with the goods?
I’m a designer, a pretty good one in fact. I don’t want to get too bogged down in awards and achievements, just know that your rejuvenated book cover will be in the hands of someone with 15 years’ experience in the media industry.
So, what’s the catch?
Nothing really – the design is free. To be a part of the process you merely have to agree to have your book’s makeover appear as a chapter of my book on the subject, which in essence is further exposure to your work. I might ask for some minor word contributions along the way – your thoughts on the process – nothing major (for use in the book). And that’s it.
Oh, and this is limited to twelve only – I will be putting up the closed sign after I have the twelve books I’m looking for. I’m looking for diversity too, so I reserve the right to accept (or not) books based on what will work for the larger storytelling project.
So, that’s it. Interested?
If so, email me on kingsoftheworldbook (at) gmail (dot) com and let’s get the ball rolling on your new masterpiece.