Kings of the World is going FREE for two days only – July 30 & 31, 2014. That’s right, FREE – in caps – on Amazon!
Well, what are you waiting for…
If scoring a copy of the award-winning Kings is not win enough for you, check this out.
You in the Book
That’s right you, well a character with your name, or a name of your choosing, will appear in Kings of the World: The Sequel, or is it? Due out late 2014. That’s right you, hanging with Cooper, The Ginge, Knuckles, Pete and a cast of aliens both friend and foe, exploring the galaxy, literaturely!
I can’t promise your character a long life but I can ensure an epic cameo worthy of the ages, followed, possibly, OK probably, by a horrible death at the hands of some alien evil-doer, or at some balls-up by the lead characters, catastrophic wardrobe malfunction or a calamitous friendly fire incident filled with irony.
In space, the possibilities are endless.
Why Matt, that is the coolest idea I have ever heard, how do I get myself in on this action?
Why potentially immortally captured in literature character, here’s how…
I want to get the word out far and wide and to do that I need your help. There are two ways to enter:
Enter Via Twitter
If you follow me on Twitter and retweet this post – you are in the draw
Existing followers need only retweet
Enter Via Facebook
Simply ‘like’ my Facebook page and share KotW FREE post – you are in the draw
Existing Facebook ‘likers’ need only share
And that’s it – you’ve helped me spread the word about my book and raise awareness for Rett Syndrome, already you’ve got a warm fuzzy feeling inside. All retweeters and sharers will be placed into a random draw with the winner being drawn on August 5, 2014. I will be in contact with the winner and we can discuss your future in space. Good luck.
Matt J Pike