It was just over a year ago today my writing world was in disarray. I was a week away from my first exhibition and I had just found out my books – my first ever books – were still sitting in a warehouse on the other side of the world. And they were going nowhere fast.
They would not be joining me at my first convention. In fact, they still haven’t joined me yet… but that’s another story.
With the help of friends and family I managed to get a rush print run completed, within a week, to go to Adelaide Supanova 2016 with some actual product to sell. What a brilliant weekend it was – being in the convention environment, selling my work directly to readers – fantastic.
I was hooked.
I was back at Adelaide Supanova (the 2017 version) recently and I can’t believe how much I’ve done in the 12 months between the two events. I’ve exhibited at several conventions, including interstate (Sydney Supanova, Brisbane Oz Comic-Con) and overseas (Auckland Armageddon), as well as an array of markets. I’ve also put my entire back catalogue into print, released two new books and I’m currently working on my 11th title (Apocalypse 3). I’ve also done podcasts, panels, speaking events as well as written articles.
While a lot of that is the result of working hard and taking opportunities as they present, the biggest factor in it all has been the feedback from readers. The fact I am writing work which is connecting with people gives me the confidence in what I’m doing to keep writing and exhibiting. Every step I have taken in writing has been encouraged by the feedback of others; it has made all the difference.
The amount of people who came up to purchase Apocalypse 2 at Supanova, having purchased the first last year was a huge boost for this lil indie author.
So, simply, thanks!