The new year has ushered in my new writing challenge – 730 x 730 – which, should I complete the task will leave me with 500,000+ words. I’m aiming to write 730 words a day for 730 days, or, two years, or two years minus a day because 2016 is a leap year, but I digress.
Things started off with a bang on new years day – I really hit the ground running with a total words count of, well, zero. There’s no same in that, is there? I also posted a duck on January 3 as other parts of life took over. On the other days, however, I did get a good run on to leave me with a total of 6129 words, well ahead of the 5110 target for the week.
I’t’s good to have some word count up my sleeve as I feel there will be slog days ahead when work starts again and when I’m editing and/or launching a new book as well as trying to hit my daily count.
I’ve got some good time coming up in the next week so I hope to further that 1000-word lead. Today’s the perfect example – it’s raining outside (in the middle of summer which never happens here in Adelaide) and the cricket’s on the TV.
I’ve been working on the sequel to Kings of the World, titled War & Quel: Starship Dorsano Chronicles. The story’s escalated in the last 6k words and I full of momentum heading into week 2 – which is what I’m about to start now.
Jan-01 | 0 | – | 40523 | – | 730 |
Jan-02 | 1117 | KOTW2 | 41640 | 1117 | 1460 |
Jan-03 | 0 | – | – | 1117 | 2190 |
Jan-04 | 1314 | KOTW2 | 42954 | 2431 | 2920 |
Jan-05 | 2009 | KOTW2 | 44963 | 4440 | 3650 |
Jan-06 | 1164 | KOTW2 | 45861 | 5604 | 4380 |
Jan-07 | 525 | KOTW2 | 46386 | 6129 | 5110 |