For those budding authors who read my article in the SA Weekend liftout in The Advertiser (Saturday October 8, 2016), I just thought I’d throw in some handy links to help you on your writing way.
On the writing process:
Simon Haynes is the Aussie author behind the Hal Spacejock series. He has some really informative info on the writing process from draft to completion. This site was a big help to me when I first started penning the Kings of the World manuscript and is well worth the read.
There are also hundreds of books on the writing process, but for me, the one that hits the spot (not too academic, not too patronising, and totally informative) is from legendary author Stephen King. On Writing is a great glimpse into his writing process and there will be something to take away for each aspiring author.
Again, there are plenty of options for an indie author here, but I’ll list my two faves. Podcasts are a great way to keep educating yourself and the more you listen, the more motivated you are to write. So popping on of these on while you’re on your way to work or while you exercise is a really good practice.
Sean Platt, Johnny B Truant, David Wright
Joanna Penn
There are a few different options for publishing your completed work. I’d recommend starting with Amazon, as it still holds the lion’s share of the market. There’s also Barnes and Noble, Kobo, Smashwords and other options too… but best start with the bit daddy, I think.
If you have any questions, or just want to get in touch, don’t hesitate to contact me at