Is always a motivator when there’s an eager audience awaiting the next installment of a series. My eldest daughter Sophie is that audience for Zombie RiZing. While only two books have been released (ZR3: Life and Beath due April 5), I am well ahead of that on my first drafts. As week 12 of the challenge begun I was heading into the final stages of the first draft of ZR5: Beath Becomes Her. At the same time a kids weekend was nearing, giving me the perfect incentive to smash through the remainder of the draft so as reader 1.0 could get her hands on the draft.
I finished the draft on Thursday and Friday – smashing out almost 4000 words!
I find the end of a novel the easiest part to write, when I plan right! If I’ve paid the right amount of attention to the main story, the character’s journeys and the sub-plots during the writing process, then the end is just hitting pay-dirt on all the little threads I’ve set-up. It’s a bit like cross-country skiing to the top of the mountain, then dropping the skis over the edge and letting gravity take you home. It’s a good feeling.
Now I’m getting my teeth stuck into the final book of the first season of Zombie RiZing – Beath Defying. There’s definitely more downhill skiing ahead as all the series’ larger story threads (and minor ones) pay off, with a smattering of scene setting for series 2. I’m only part way in but loving it already.
When I don’t plan right I end up with where War & Quel has been for some time. Trickling. Now however, I finally nailed how to wrap up the story (maybe inspired by wrapping ZR5). I had the general idea, but the final details came to me in the early hours one morning and I put them on PC the next morning. I’m finally back on track and spent the latter part of the week finishing a rough edit of the first 60k words to put my head in the space to write the conclusion.
Oh, and I past the 70k words mark this week too. Exciting stuff!
Mar-19 | 2777 | ZR5 | 14058 | 67255 | 56940 |
Mar-20 | 1148 | ZR5 | 15206 | 68403 | 57670 |
Mar-21 | 810 | KOTW2 | 66332 | 69213 | 58400 |
Mar-22 | 669 | ZR6 | 3177 | 69882 | 59130 |
Mar-23 | – | – | – | – | 59860 |
Mar-24 | 284 | ZR6 | 3461 | 70166 | 60590 |
Mar-25 | – | – | – | – | 61320 |
Weekly total: 5688 (+578)
Overall total: 70,166 (+8846)